Click on a date to view the minutes from that meeting:
Present: Violette Donhoff, Esther Edber, Ginny Gladwin, Celina Gonzalez, Terre Lirette, Susan Smith
Treasurer's Report, Esther Edber
Sheila Kitzinger payment complete- $3000.00 paid to Sheila
Balance Now 11,003.05
Pledge to PEAC $600 now due for Medicare reimbursement pursuit, money will go towards
payment of individual at the national ACNM office who is working to pass Medicare
reimbursement bill.
Board of Registered Nursing may be due payment to maintain CEU provider status- Esther to
Tax Exemption Status: Need to locate "Articles of Incorporation" for Chapter and a 3year history
of expenditures for chapter to apply for tax exempt status
Insurance for chapter is necessary - Esther and Ginny to follow up
Chapter Dues Payments are due in January ® $50 for 2 year chapter membership, with current
chapter membership %50 discount on CNMA chapter dues ($50 versus $100 for CNMA
Possible book signing by author Rebecca Hulem "Feelin' Hot?"; Ginny Gladwin to follow up,
possibly signing will take place at next chapter meeting
Group telephone call made to Bill Thomas (R), California Bakersfield U.S. House of
Representatives to encourage co-sponsorship of HR2980
Web Site
In progress, Susan Scotti-Smith to follow up at next meeting
Next Meeting
Kaiser Woodland Hills, November 19th, 6:30p.m.
ATTENDEES: Jeanne Augustine, Grace Ebennwa, Esther Edber, Denise Ellison, Ginny Gladwin, Lee Kwak, Terre Lirette, Diane Milstead, Susan Minich, Chiaki Nakazono, Karni Seymour-Brown, Susan Smith, Mercedes Taha, Margaret Woodard
Hosted by: LACounty Women’s and Children’s hospital.
Introductions |
Presentation by Denise Wiesner L.Ac. |
Denise Wiesner is a licensed acupuncturist who practices at Natural Medicine Clinic gave a presentation on Acupuncture in Obstetrics and Gynecology, an evidence based review, which included: Ø Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy Ø Hyperemesis Ø Pain management Ø Induction of labor Ø Correction of Breech presentation Ø Acupuncture to treat infertility Ø Menopause Ø Polycystic ovarian syndrome Ø Fibroids Ø The use of moxibustion
Denise is in practice with Alex Berks also a licensed acupuncturist. Their clinic is located on: 2001 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 220, LA, CA 90025 She invited any CNM to come to visit and mention the LA chapter of ACNM for a free ½ hr massage with the initial visit. |
Treasurer’s report by Esther Edber on Membership Drive |
1. 2004 is the start of a new 2 year cycle for membership. Everyone was encouraged to pay $50 to the chapter for a 2 year membership and send $50 to join CNMA 2. Tax Exempt status in being investigated. 3. $200 sent to BRN for CEU’s number. 4. CNMA chapter dues to be sent. |
29 members have signed up this year so far out of total of 87 members on file. Many of these may have moved or joined other chapters. We will work on obtaining more accurate member numbers over the next few months. Esther will report back at next meeting. |
Secretary’s report by Virginia Gladwin |
Minutes will be posted on web site as well as sent by e mail. Everyone was asked to update their information particularly e mail addresses |
Chapter Chair report by Susan Scotti-Smith |
1. The chapter needs an archivist, Margaret Woodard will send old records to Susan Scotti-Smith. 2. Lobby Day will be Monday April 26th with reception honoring Senator Liz Figueroa 5-7PM. 3. Breast Cancer Day March 6th go to web site: Henry Mayo: Education We will have a booth and volunteers are requested to assist with the booth. 4. Website: please go and look at site and provide feedback. If interested, please with practice information to be included in "find a midwife" section. 5. Nurse-midwifery week 1st week October , we need ideas. Susan suggested going to a local library and donating books related to midwifery as well as presentations about midwifery. 6. Linda Faydo agreed to be the representative for PR issues for the chapter. |
Please contact Susan Scotti-Smith if you are interested in doing archivist duties. to email 1. The reason for Lobby Day is to educate public policy makers on CNMA issues 2. Meet our elected representatives 3. Orient CNMA members to the California political process and influence decision makers. 4. Denise Ellison and Diane Milstead will present at Thousand Oaks and Ventura libraries. |
Margaret Woodard |
Shared information regarding the Breast Cancer Early Detection Program which provides Medi-Cal to women It is available through the Family PACT provider system. Candidates for enrollment are individuals with CIN 2 on PAP or diagnosis of breast cancer. Information was shared regarding a new theory related to SIDS is being suggested by James Sprott MD. He theorizes that the mattress materials along with fungus may produce a more noxious type of carbon monoxide approx. 1000 times stronger.
Meeting adjourned at 20:30hrs. For info on next meeting, please see "Meetings" section of this website |
ATTENDEES:, Denise Ellison, Ginny Gladwin, Celina Gonzalez, Betsy Jenkins, Margo Kennedy, Terre Lirette, Ruth Mielke, Sarah Obemeyer, Hilda O’Rourke, Susan Smith
Hosted by: Celina Gonzalez CNM, Becka Healthcare Medical Group
Introductions |
Presentation by Berlex Labs |
Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding Diagnosis and Treatment |
Treasurer’s report by Esther Edber |
Treasurer’s report not available |
Approval of January Minutes |
Approved |
Secretary’s report by Virginia Gladwin |
1. PACLAC membership $100 2. Midwifery Student, Claire Manning from Philadelphia looking for integration site 3. Education available from Kaiser Permanente at reasonable rates |
Approval to send in membership dues. Contact student directly, @ A link will be made available on the chapter web site for anyone interested, in being on Kaiser’s mailing list for all future education. |
Legislative Report by Denise Ellison |
Chapter Chair report by Susan Scotti-Smith |
1. April is C/S awareness month 2. CNMA: Legislative Advocacy Day and Reception for Sen. Liz Figueroa April 26th 3. Woman to Woman Summit April 23rd. 4. PAC/LAC Seminar/Annual Conference May 6th 5. Web Site: · Find a midwife listings · Soon to be added links for consumers and education.
· ACNM Annual meeting New Orleans May 28th to June 3rd. |
· Please sign up to attend, go to to sign up. · Go to to see more info · Go to PACLAC web site for more information
· Please contact Susan Scotti-Smith with your information · Please contact Susan for any suggestions to improve the web site. · Chapter plans to have water bottles to sell at Midwifery Market. Contact Susan Scotti Smith if you can assist with this project. |
Next Meeting |
Wednesday May 19th 2004 California Obstetrics and Gynecology Services (COGS) Daniel Freeman Hospital, Inglewood, 323 North Prairie Ave, Suite 210 (2nd floor) Inglewood, CA 90301 |
Speaker: Melinda Weck, LMT to speak on Mayan Abdominal Massage: The Arvigo Techniques |
Meeting adjourned at 20:30hrs. |
Go to LAMIDWIVES.ORG for information regarding future meetings.